lockdown Archives - Learn To Dance https://learndance.co.uk/tag/lockdown/ Ballroom & Latin American Dance School based in Berkshire & Buckinghamshire Fri, 16 Jul 2021 15:36:54 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://learndance.co.uk/test2/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/cropped-LTD-Logo-800-32x32.jpg lockdown Archives - Learn To Dance https://learndance.co.uk/tag/lockdown/ 32 32 Dance School Restrictions Easing 19th July https://learndance.co.uk/2021/07/13/dance-school-restrictions-easing-19th-july/ Tue, 13 Jul 2021 22:55:46 +0000 https://learndance.co.uk/?p=3289 Are dance school restrictions easing on 19th July? Read our update to see what changes we're going to implement, and what's staying the same.

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Are dance school restrictions easing on 19th July? Read our update below to see what changes we’re going to implement, and what’s staying the same.


Dance School Restrictions Easing Step 4 (delayed from 21st June)

So the government have now confirmed that Step 4 of lockdown easing will finally go ahead from Monday 19th July. Whilst not all of the guidelines have currently been updated the main document is available and we have been reviewing it today.

Although most legal restrictions are being lifted at step 4, and lots of people have been vaccinated, we are told it is still possible to catch and spread COVID-19. This can happen even if you are fully vaccinated, and we are currently in the third wave of the pandemic in the UK.

The government have confirmed that COVID-19 will be a feature of our lives for the foreseeable future. Therefore we need to learn to live with it and manage the risk to ourselves and others.

Some of the features of the last year that we can expect to see being encouraged/required as dance school restrictions easing starts are:

  • Being tested if you develop symptoms
  • Self-isolating if you test positive, or are asked to isolate by Test & Trace. The requirement to isolate by Test & Trace will be removed for Under 18s and those fully vaccinated after 16th August if a negative test result is received.
  • Masks in busy confined spaces such as public transport
  • Good ventilation should be maintained
  • Social contact should still be minimised
  • COVID passes recommended to enter some venues

So what restrictions are being lifted?

The 2m social distancing requirement is going to be removed and there will be no limit now on the numbers that you can meet up with.

All businesses are now allowed to be fully open with all capacity limits removed.

However there are still some things they recommend to help mitigate or minimise the risk of transmission as the dance school restrictions begin easing:


  • You should limit close contact with those you don’t normally live with
  • Close contact should be gradually increased over time
  • Minimise the number, proximity and duration of social contacts
  • Meet outdoors where possible
  • Whilst working from home will no longer be encouraged, there should be a phased return over the summer where possible
  • Face covering requirements will be removed from law, however are recommended to be maintained in crowded areas
  • Limits on weddings and other similar events will be removed although there will be additional guidance on this (not yet updated as at 13/07/2021).


  • All businesses are now allowed to reopen
  • Capacity limits will be removed
  • No social distancing rules
  • Still have to follow relevant working safely guidance (not yet updated as at 13/07/2021
  • Certain mitigations should still be followed:
    • Regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces
    • Ensure sufficient air flow around the venue
    • If staff or customers are unwell they shouldn’t enter the building
    • Consider implementation of the COVID pass for entry. The NHS COVID Pass will be made available through the NHS App, NHS.UK, or as a letter that can be requested by ringing NHS 119. Visitors will also be able to show text or email confirmation of test results.
    • QR code for Trace and Test should still be displayed
    • Twice weekly testing for staff should be encouraged

Some of the guidelines are still in the process of being updated but there shouldn’t be too many material differences hopefully. We will however review the various documents as they are updated.

If you are worried about going back to a more ‘normal’ life, there is information from the NHS on how to cope with anxiety about lockdown lifting.

Understanding the risks of COVID-19

The risk of catching or passing on COVID-19 can be higher in certain places and when doing certain activities.

The main way of spreading COVID-19 is through close contact with an infected person. When someone with COVID-19 breathes, speaks, coughs or sneezes, they release particles (droplets and aerosols) containing the virus that causes COVID-19. These particles can be breathed in by another person. The particles can also land on surfaces and be passed from person to person via touch.

Generally the risk of catching or passing on COVID-19 is higher:

  • within crowded spaces, where there are more people who might be infectious
  • in enclosed indoor spaces where there is limited fresh air

Some activities can also increase the risk of catching or passing on COVID-19. This happens where people are doing activities which generate more particles as they breathe heavily, such as singing, dancing, exercising or raising their voices.

The risk is greatest where these factors overlap, for example in crowded indoor spaces where people are raising their voices.

In situations where there is a higher risk of catching or passing on COVID-19, you should be particularly careful to follow the guidance on keeping yourself and others safe as we return to normality. Every little action helps to keep us all safer.

How close contact advice affects the dance school restrictions easing

The main way of spreading COVID-19 is through close contact with an infected person. When someone with COVID-19 breathes, speaks, coughs or sneezes, they release particles (droplets and aerosols) containing the virus that causes COVID-19. These particles can be breathed in by another person.

The government is therefore recommending that you may choose to limit the close contact you have with people you do not usually live with. They also recommend being tested before taking part in activities that will require close contact for prolonged periods. All our teachers voluntarily take part in twice-weekly testing.

So what will Learn To Dance be implementing as the dance school restrictions easing starts?

We have discussed this as a school and agreed how we are going to start implementing the changes as dance school restrictions easing begins.

There will be some of our current restrictions/procedures that we will be maintaining, some that we will be removing, and some that we will relax but not entirely remove yet.

What are we taking away?

    • But please note this will be replaced by COVID pass or negative test proofs – more on that later
    • You will no longer be required to wear a mask on arrival, or when leaving the studio. However we would recommend wearing one when you head down the corridor to the toilets.
    • We will no longer have the floor spacings and we won’t be enforcing social distancing. However please bear in mind that not everyone will be fully comfortable with returning to ‘normal’ as we move out of lockdown restrictions. Therefore we ask that you respect others space in classes and try to avoid getting too close.
    • You will no longer be required to pre-book for our classes, details on new temporary capacity limits follow later. Please note however that those not pre-booked may be refused entry if our new limits are hit.

What’s staying the same?

    • For the moment we will be retaining the one-way system at the studio. You will still be required to enter from the pitch side of the studio, and leave on the opposite side. This will allow us to continue to implement some of our policies, including new ones you can read more on later.
  • NON-CONTACT WITH OUR TEACHERS (in group classes)
    • We are required to phase contact back in and so will be trialling limited contact during private lessons only initially
    • Our cleaning regime of the studio will remain in place which means we will still ask you to leave promptly at the end of classes to allow us to fog areas. You may not be admitted to the studio if you arrive too early for a session, if sufficient time hasn’t passed to allow the process to take effect.
    • Our hand sanitiser stations will remain and we recommend using on arrival and before leaving, or when visiting the toilets.
    • If you are displaying any COVID-like symptoms please do not come to the studio
    • Our teachers are undergoing voluntary twice-weekly testing and will continue to do so

What changes/new procedures are we bringing in?

Though dance school restrictions easing on 19th July is a long-awaited date we feel there are some procedures we need to introduce of change.

Example of COVID-pass.  Date it expires above a QR code area, with a green tick box below
    • The government have introduced a COVID-pass using the NHS app (not the Test & Trace app). This is the easiest way for us to lower the risk to ALL our staff and students.
    • Your COVID-pass shows instantly if you are fully vaccinated, or have received a negative Covid test in the previous 48hrs.
    • the NHS COVID Pass will be made available through the NHS App, NHS.UK, or as a letter that can be requested by ringing NHS 119.
    • if you have a negative lateral flow test result you can also show us the email or text message, so long as it was within 48hrs of your visit.
    • If you do not have a smartphone you can bring a printout, or the letter if you have requested this from NHS 119.
    • At this stage you will not be permitted entry if you do not bring the required proof. We will be updating our booking confirmation and reminders to reflect this change. This applies to both private lessons and group classes, regardless of whether you will be partnering anyone.
    • Although the government have removed all capacity limits for businesses we are still going to limit our class sizes initially.
    • We have increased our class capacity to 24 people as a trial.
    • You will no longer have to pre-book for our classes, but it is still recommended as we will stop admitting people if our pre-booked and walk-in numbers hit 24.
    • If you are running late for a class please ring the studio and let us know, as no-show places will be offered to any walk-ins who may have waited.
    • We will no longer restrict solo dancers to dancing on their own if they wish to rotate amongst other solo dancers.
    • At present our teachers will still not be partnering solo dancers in group classes. Initially we are going to trial partnering during private lessons only.
    • To avoid confusion we will be implementing a traffic light system for our solo dancers. On arrival you will be asked whether you would be happy to dance with another student, either with or without a mask, or whether you want to dance only on your own. You will then be issued with a coloured sticker.
      • Green – I’m happy to dance with someone ‘as normal’
      • Yellow – If we both wear masks I’m happy to dance with someone
      • Red – I’m not comfortable dancing with anyone yet
    • We ask that you respect each student’s choice and be prepared to wear a mask, or not dance with someone, depending on their sticker.
    • In line with the government’s guidelines we will be reintroducing contact with our teachers during private lessons only
    • However the guidelines also state that individuals should limit close contact with those that they don’t live with. Whilst our teachers may be one extra person that you are partnering we have to consider the number of people they could end up partnering in a week.
    • With this in mind we will only be partnering for a maximum of 50% of a private lesson, and in no more than 15 minute intervals initially.
    • We will not be reintroducing most of our social events initially, but will start running a trial with our Tuesday Over 50s returning to 90 minutes.
    • The session will be 45-60 minutes of tuition and the remaining time for tea/coffee, practice and socialising.
    • Our traffic light system will still be in effect so please respect other student’s choices during this time
    • For tea & coffee please bring your own mugs and limit the time spent in the kitchen area (please chat in the main studio. We ask that you wear masks when entering the kitchen.

We hope you can appreciate our cautious approach to reopening. Whilst it would be a lot better for us financially to return to ‘normality’ as soon as possible we would rather ensure a safe environment for all of you and us.

However we will be constantly monitoring both government & industry advice, as well as feedback from our students, so please let us know if you have any questions or comments.

We can’t wait to welcome more of you back and hope that the dance school restrictions easing can continue over the next few months.

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Dance School Reopening May 17th https://learndance.co.uk/2021/05/11/dance-school-reopening-may-17th-adult-group-ballroom-classes/ Tue, 11 May 2021 17:19:14 +0000 https://learndance.co.uk/?p=3256 The UK Government have now confirmed that our Dance School Reopening can enter the next stage from Monday 17th May for adult group classes.

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The UK Government have now confirmed that our Dance School Reopening can enter the next stage from Monday 17th May.

This means we can finally reopen our studio doors to all of our dance students again! We will have to limit the numbers in our classes, to about a third of normal capacity. However this does mean we’ll be able to give each student a bit more of our time (whether they want the extra attention or not 😜).

The Prime Minister has also said the, subject to the impact this next stage has, we are on track to move to Step 4 on 21st June. This could mean that we can begin planning to return to contact lessons, but further details will be released as the information is made available to us.

We’re COVID-Secure!

we're good to go logo

Our dance studio follows COVID-secure guidelines and has been awarded a ‘We’re Good To Go‘ certification. This is the official UK mark to signal that a hospitality business follows Government and industry COVID-19 guidelines; and has a process in place to maintain cleanliness and aid social distancing.

You can read up on our COVID-secure policies & procedures if you have any questions before coming back to visit us. Alternatively you can contact us with any questions.

What Changes Affect The Dance School Reopening in May?

Whilst the indoor limits for social gatherings are 6 people this limit doesn’t apply to our dance classes. Following government restrictions we have limited our class sizes to 12 people.

However no group ‘socialising’ inside the studio can be bigger than 6 people so social distancing should still be maintained. This includes those who have been vaccinated.

With Hugging Allowed, Is Contact for Dancing too?

The government have announced that hugging will be permitted again from Monday 17th May. This is aimed at family members and close friends and does not stretch to close-contact businesses.

Answering a number of queries from students you will still not be able to partner our teachers, or other students. At present, and until at least 21st June, there will still be no contact permitted outside of same household/bubbles.

We would love to be able to welcome you all back to our studio with a hug; but the last thing we want is the next variant to be called the Learn To Dance variant!!!

Revised Timetable for our Dance School Reopening in May

If you haven’t been back to see us recently, or taken part in our online offerings, we have revised our class schedule.

Classes now take place from Sunday to Thursday and generally get progressively higher in level as the week progresses.

All classes are currently pre-book only under current government guidance. You can choose to book for individual sessions, or we can reserve a set number of weeks for you. We have already been taking bookings in anticipation of the dance school reopening in May. Some classes are therefore at or nearing our current capacity and we recommend booking sooner rather than later.

See the Schedule

Our revised schedule for our Dance School Reopening in May is as follows:

[Beginner Improver/Improver 2 Intermediate/AdvancedSolo KidsOver 50s]

  • Sundays (from 23rd May)
    • 7pm Beginner
    • 8pm Improver
  • Mondays (from 17th May)
    • 7pm Refresher Classes (starts with Waltz and then follows our regular cycle of dances).
    • 8pm Beginner (almost fully subscribed)
    • 9pm Improver
  • Tuesdays
    • 1pm Over 50s Mixed Ability (currently 45 minutes but will return to 90 minutes once socialising is permitted again)
    • 7.30pm Solo Routines (almost fully subscribed)
  • Wednesdays
    • 10am Solo Routines
    • 12.30pm Beginner
    • 1.30pm Improver
    • 4.15pm Kids 4-8yrs (term-time only)
    • 5pm Kids Over 9s (term-time only)
    • 6pm Refresher Classes (starts with Waltz and then follows our regular cycle of dances). Some weeks fully subscribed.
    • 7pm Argentine Tango Course starts (initially 6 weeks, extends in 6 week cycles)
    • 8pm Improver (fully subscribed from 26th May, waiting list in operation)
    • 9pm Improver 2
  • Thursdays
    • 1pm Improver 2
    • 2pm Intermediate
    • 7pm Improver 2
    • 8pm Intermediate
    • 9pm Advanced (currently postponed until contact can resume)

To book onto any of our classes or courses visit our Class Timetable. Use the Full Booking System to reserve a space for someone else, use account credit or redeem a gift card.

We look forward to welcoming you back to the studio next week.

About Learn To Dance

Learn To Dance is a Ballroom and Latin American Dance School based in Burnham, Buckinghamshire. We have been closed due to the Coronavirus Pandemic but look forward to the dance school reopening in May.

During our closed period we offered a number of different ways to dance with us from your front rooms. Offering regular live-stream classes, as well as useful dance uploads, subscribe to be kept informed when new videos are going live. Send us your suggestions of what you’d like to see us release and we’ll do our best!

Looking for more personal tuition? We provide both in-person and streamed lessons and classes. Check out learndance.co.uk/online for more information.

You can check out our website, or follow us online, at:

Website: learndance.co.uk
Youtube: youtube.com/learndance
Facebook: facebook.com/learndance
Instagram: instagram.com/learndance
Twitter: twitter.com/learndance

The post Dance School Reopening May 17th appeared first on Learn To Dance.

Dance Studio Reopening April 12th https://learndance.co.uk/2021/04/05/dance-studio-reopening-april-12th-private-lessons-kids-classes/ Mon, 05 Apr 2021 17:39:58 +0000 https://learndance.co.uk/?p=3198 Following the press conference today we can confirm that the Dance Studio will be reopening 12th April for Private Lessons and Kid's Classes.

The post Dance Studio Reopening April 12th appeared first on Learn To Dance.

It has now been confirmed that the Dance Studio reopening from Monday 12th April will be going ahead as planned. However we will only be able to welcome students indoors initially for Private Lessons and Kid’s Classes during Step 2.

Social distancing from other students, and our teachers, will continue to apply during the Dance Studio reopening in April. At present we hope that social distancing rules may start to be relaxed towards the end of June. We will update nearer the time as information becomes available.

To read our analysis of the Lockdown Easing Roadmap check out our original blog post.

Will Adult Group Classes be indoors following the Dance Studio reopening in April?

Our adult group classes will continue to be streamed via Zoom or select sessions outdoors. Private Lessons can choose to be taken outdoors or via Zoom if they wish too.

Hopefully adult group classes can resume indoors from Monday 17th May. More details will be released as they are confirmed.

Private Lesson Bookings for Dance Studio Reopening from 12th April

Bookings for private lessons have already been coming in, in preparation for the dance studio reopening in April. We do still have good availability at present but enquiries are increasing.

You can search and book online via our Private Lessons page, or using the booking options below:

Kid’s Ballroom and Latin American Dance Classes

Our kid’s classes can also return in-person when the dance school reopens from 12th April. The classes will resume following the end of the Easter Break, from 21st April.

We have two kid’s classes that we run, for the Under 9’s and Under 13’s. Classes are scheduled on Wednesdays at 4.15pm for the Under 9’s and 5pm for the Under 13’s.

Our classes are charged on a half-term basis. The half-terms cost £18 for the Under 9’s or £25 for the Under 13’s.

You can book online, or contact us for more information.

About Learn To Dance

Learn To Dance is a Ballroom and Latin American Dance School based in Burnham, Buckinghamshire.

We can now offer in-person Private Lessons and Kid’s Classes from 12th April, with the dance school reopening. However our group adult classes will have to remain online, or outdoors, until at least 17th May.

You can check out our website, or follow us online, at:

Website: learndance.co.uk
Youtube: youtube.com/learndance
Facebook: facebook.com/learndance
Instagram: instagram.com/learndance
Twitter: twitter.com/learndance

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Lockdown Ballroom Dance Lessons Outdoors https://learndance.co.uk/2021/03/19/lockdown-ballroom-dance-lessons-outdoors/ Fri, 19 Mar 2021 17:33:31 +0000 https://learndance.co.uk/?p=3136 We are trialling offering outdoor ballroom dance lessons whilst we are still in lockdown. Contact us now if you'd like to give them a go!

The post Lockdown Ballroom Dance Lessons Outdoors appeared first on Learn To Dance.


Hopefully from April 12th lockdown easing will be on track, allowing our ballroom dance lessons to resume in the studio. However the dates are not set in stone! So we have no guarantees at the moment that we will be able to welcome you back next month.

The guidance does however currently allow personal trainers to provide individuals, and same-household, with 1-to-1 sessions. That is so long as it is outdoors, and social distancing measures are applied.

This got us to thinking, as to whether this was something we could potentially provide as an option now the weather is improving. We are going to therefore trial some outdoor private lessons at the Cherry Orchard during the week.

Where will these outdoor lockdown ballroom dance lessons be held?

There is an overflow car park onsite that is only used during the football season at weekends. The gate is locked at all other times and we are confident that this should work for our purposes.

Overflow car park at the Cherry Orchard

The car park is a short walk from the main entrance (less than a minute). You can park closer than that in the main car park.

The logistics of erecting a dance floor, that would need to be put away after every session, means we will not be using any type of outdoor dance floor. Instead we are going to rely on the fine gravel-type surface of the car park to allow flowing movement.

It goes without saying that we wouldn’t recommend wearing your dance shoes for these outdoor lockdown ballroom dance lessons!

You should also be aware that there is also the chance of members of the public walking past!

I’m up for trying it, how do I book?

At present only Antony is offering these outdoor dance lessons during our trial. When booking please select ‘outdoor’ and the lesson length required. Existing packages and sessions can be used.

Use the appointment search below to book. You can also choose Zoom lessons if you’d like to have us stream a lesson instead.

Please only book a weekday slot. We may be able to offer weekend slots on the next two Sundays but football resumes after that. Contact us first if you have any questions about potential sessions.

What about bad weather?

Obviously we cannot forecast for short-term changes in weather! But we will have a more flexible cancellation/reschedule policy should the weather take a turn for the worst.

We are happy to teach in all weathers, taking appropriate clothing precautions. However if we feel the surface of the car park would be dangerous we may have to cancel sessions.

Initially we are only thinking of offering these sessions during daylit hours (currently sunset is around 6.15pm). If there is interest in later sessions we can look into lighting options.

With that, you also accept that these outdoor lockdown ballroom dance lessons are taken at your own risk. We will do our best to select an area of the car park that is flat. We cannot however guarantee there won’t be unexpected changes in the surface. Extra care should be taken as the surface conditions may change as you move across the car park.

Why are you providing outdoor lockdown Ballroom Dance lessons?

There is a lot of uncertainty around when we will be permitted to reopen. We’re also still waiting on the detailed guidance to be released.

We feel that this is an option that may appeal to some of our students who are unable to Zoom!

This will also serve as a trial to potentially offering some outdoor group classes. The current roadmap may actually permit these from the end of this month!

We are already receiving bookings for this option and we hope more of you will be able to join us. Otherwise we look forward to welcoming you back to the studio as soon as it is permitted.

About Learn To Dance

Learn To Dance is a Ballroom and Latin American Dance School based in Burnham, Buckinghamshire.

Our dance studio is currently closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. However we are still looking at innovative ways to keep you dancing. From online streamed classes and private lessons, live free classes on YouTube, and now lockdown ballroom dance lessons outdoors.

You can check out our website, or follow us online, at:

Website: learndance.co.uk
Youtube: youtube.com/learndance
Facebook: facebook.com/learndance
Instagram: instagram.com/learndance
Twitter: twitter.com/learndance

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Dance School Lockdown Easing https://learndance.co.uk/2021/02/27/dance-school-lockdown-easing-plan-spring-2021/ Sat, 27 Feb 2021 17:57:28 +0000 https://learndance.co.uk/?p=3101 What are the important dates for the dance school in the lockdown easing plan? When can you return to private lessons and group classes?

The post Dance School Lockdown Easing appeared first on Learn To Dance.

Everyone has been eagerly awaiting details of the easing of lockdown, not least of all us for the dance school!

I’m sure by now everyone has seen the draft plan released by the UK Government and announced on Monday 22nd February.

The roadmap out of lockdown is going to run on a minimum 5 week cycle between restrictions being lifted. This will allow the results of each lockdown easing stage to be reviewed, before deciding if the next step can be safely implemented.

There will be 4 tests evaluated by the government at each stage of the lockdown easing:

  • the vaccine deployment programme continues successfully
  • evidence shows vaccines are sufficiently effective in reducing hospitalisations and deaths in those vaccinated
  • infection rates do not risk a surge in hospitalisations which would put unsustainable pressure on the NHS
  • assessment of the risks is not fundamentally changed by new Variants of Concern

Assuming these tests can all be passed satisfactorily, in the 4 weeks following a change in step, then a week’s notice is given to confirm the next stage being implemented.

Read on to find out a summary of each stage, but especially how the lockdown easing affects the Learn To Dance school.

Step 1 (8th & 29th March)

8th March

Schools are reopening for all children and Higher Education students doing practical courses also return.

Whilst this doesn’t change anything for Learn To Dance it does mean that Creative Academy are able to hire studio space from us again. This will provide us with a bit more stability financially and so will be most welcome.

You will also be able to meet with one person, for recreation or exercise, who is not in your household or support bubble.

29th March

From 29th March we should then be able to meet up with another household, or as the ‘Rule of 6’, outdoors (including gardens).

Outdoor sports, including football at the Cherry Orchard, are permitted to resume from 29th March.

The ‘Stay at Home’ rule will cease to be in law but they still recommend staying local and working from home where possible.

At this stage holidays abroad will still not be allowed.

Therefore Step 1 unfortunately does not result in any lockdown easing for the dance school. However we will continue to provide our online streamed lessons and dance classes.

Step 2 (12th April) – Start of dance school lockdown easing

In Step 2 is when we start to see some of the lockdown easing measures for the dance school. The earliest this will take place is from 12th April and its implementation will be confirmed a week before.

Boris has confirmed that the plan for step 2 is to allow the opening of a variety of businesses:

  • non-essential retail
  • personal care such as hairdressers and nail salons
  • libraries and community centres
  • indoor gyms and leisure facilities (but only for individuals or same household)
  • outdoor attractions
  • campsites and holiday lets (without shared facilities)

Pubs and restaurants will be able to serve outdoors with table service. Weddings and similar can take place with up to 15 people.

Whilst we haven’t received any detailed guidance at present the signs point to us being able to offer private lessons again in Step 2. These will continue to be for individuals or same-household and will be non-contact with our instructors.

We are taking provisional private lesson bookings at this stage, but flexibility will be maintained as the situation develops.

Step 3 (17th May) – more Lockdown Easing for Dance Schools

Should things go well than by 17th May (at the earliest) the country will enter Step 3 of the lockdown easing roadmap.

At this stage there is hope that limits on socialising with friends and family can start to be relaxed. Although gatherings outdoors in excess of 30 people will still be illegal.

Indoors the limits will be rule of 6 or 2 households at this stage. We anticipate this will be in line with the previous rule of 6.

Further business openings will be permitted at this point, including:

  • Indoor pubs and restaurants
  • Cinemas and children’s play areas
  • The rest of accommodation
  • indoor adult group sports and exercise classes
  • indoor performances and sporting events (subject to capacity limits)

Weddings and other social events will be able to host up to 30 people.

At this point the government will begin looking into social distancing and other Covid guidance that could be reduced in Step 4.

Therefore in Step 3 we expect to be able to reopen for group classes. It is likely that this will still be with the capacity limits in place from last year.

Step 4 (21st June) – return to life as we know it???

By Step 4, which will happen no earlier than 21st June, lockdown easing for the dance school could see all social contact limits removed.

Subject to the rules at the time this may mean that we can resume contact lessons and solo dancer rotating. However this would be reliant on all of our teachers having had both their jabs!

At the moment we hope that by the autumn things will start to feel a bit more normal. In fact hopefully our Bournemouth Dance Break will be able to go ahead as scheduled.

All the dates quoted by the government do come with the caveat that these are the earliest they could happen. Any failure of the tests at a particular stage could see a slowdown of the lockdown easing. There will always be at least 5 weeks between Steps.

As much as we are hoping that lockdown easing will allow us to open up the dance school, sooner rather than later, we will always take into consideration the health and safety of our staff and students.

Therefore we may elect to keep certain sessions virtual until such time as we deem it possible to welcome students back safely.

Whilst Coronavirus is likely to be always with us let us hope that this is the start of the end of restrictions. With lockdown now easing we hope to open the doors of the dance school to you all again.

Stay safe and well and we look forward to welcoming you all back again soon!

The post Dance School Lockdown Easing appeared first on Learn To Dance.

What do the Three Tiers mean for Learn To Dance? https://learndance.co.uk/2020/10/25/three-tier-dance-school/ Sat, 24 Oct 2020 23:09:05 +0000 https://learndance.co.uk/?p=2924 Does Learn To Dance have to close under the government's Three Tier guidelines? Can you still come to dance classes and lessons?

The post What do the Three Tiers mean for Learn To Dance? appeared first on Learn To Dance.

A number of students have contacted us since the announcement of the new Three Tier COVID alert levels in England. You’ve been asking us whether we may be required to close, or you may be unable to visit us.

Our dance studio is located within the South Bucks area. The tier applicable to our area is separate to Windsor & Maidenhead or Slough (which has today moved into Tier 2). You can check what tier a particular area is in on the gov.uk website.

The main points applicable to Learn To Dance within the Three Tiers are as follows:

Tier 1 (Medium Level)

  • Areas where national restrictions continue to be in place
    • no socialising in groups larger than 6, indoors or outdoors. Our Covid procedures ensure no groups larger than 2 are formed
    • businesses and venues can continue to operate, in a COVID-secure manner
    • exercise classes can continue to take place indoors if the rule of 6 is followed.
    • you must wear a face mask in areas where this is mandated. You are not required to wear a mask when dancing. But we do require masks on arrival, when leaving, and in communal areas.
    • you should continue to follow social distancing rules

Tier 2 (High Level)

  • changes include:
    • you must not socialise with anybody outside of your household or support group indoors. Our Covid procedures currently allow for fixed partnerships. However if either of the partner moves into Tier 2 this will no longer be allowed.
    • businesses and venues can continue to operate, in a COVID-secure manner
    • exercise classes can continue to take place indoors if it is possible for people to avoid mixing. Unless this is with people they live with or share a support bubble with

Tier 3 (Very High)

  • changes include:
    • exercise classes can still continue indoors if it is possible for people to avoid mixing. However please see details about additional restrictions below.
    • you should try to avoid travelling outside the very high alert level area you are in. You should also avoid entering a very high alert level area.

Additional restrictions in the Three Tiers guidance may be added in consultation with local authorities. Therefore Learn To Dance will only be required to close if the local authority deem it necessary. However we will review the situation if local areas begin to move into Tier 3.

In summary, we can stay open

Learn To Dance follow sufficient COVID-secure procedures to continue to remain open throughout all three tiers under current government guidelines.

However if you live in an area that moves into Tier 3 you may be asked to avoid group sessions.

Those currently forming a fixed partnership will not be permitted to continue that partnership if either partner lives in a Tier 2 (or above) area.

We will continue to review the ongoing situation and make any required adjustments to ensure a COVID-secure environment can be maintained.

The post What do the Three Tiers mean for Learn To Dance? appeared first on Learn To Dance.
