Harry Judd Archives - Learn To Dance https://learndance.co.uk/tag/harry-judd/ Ballroom & Latin American Dance School based in Berkshire & Buckinghamshire Sat, 06 Apr 2024 22:21:43 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://learndance.co.uk/test2/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/cropped-LTD-Logo-800-32x32.jpg Harry Judd Archives - Learn To Dance https://learndance.co.uk/tag/harry-judd/ 32 32 Strictly 2011 Final Result https://learndance.co.uk/2011/12/17/strictly-2011-final-result/ Sat, 17 Dec 2011 22:04:00 +0000 http://blog.want-to-dance.co.uk/?p=4 Votes have been counted, the judges have no say but first of all the returning celebrities. Russell being held up by Rory & Robbie actually made me laugh out loud! Actually they all looked really good (though I didn’t see Nancy with her feet on the floor). Now for the results… …. The Strictly 2011…

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Votes have been counted, the judges have no say but first of all the returning celebrities.

Russell being held up by Rory & Robbie actually made me laugh out loud!

Actually they all looked really good (though I didn’t see Nancy with her feet on the floor).

Now for the results…


The Strictly 2011 winner is


Harry Judd

A fair result as I just felt Chelsee was lacking in polish tonight.  Roll on 2012!

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Strictly Come Dancing 2011 FINAL https://learndance.co.uk/2011/12/17/strictly-come-dancing-2011-final/ Sat, 17 Dec 2011 21:49:00 +0000 http://blog.want-to-dance.co.uk/?p=5 So the last few months have been fairly hectic for us, apologies therefore that I’ve not been blogging about the last few weeks. Right back at the launch show I predicted that Harry & Chelsee could both do really well, but never gave a thought to Jason – two out of three isn’t bad though!…

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So the last few months have been fairly hectic for us, apologies therefore that I’ve not been blogging about the last few weeks.

Right back at the launch show I predicted that Harry & Chelsee could both do really well, but never gave a thought to Jason – two out of three isn’t bad though!

First up tonight is Harry & Aliona with their Quickstep:

Harry’s frame has definitely improved over the weeks and I think this Quickstep is actually better than the first time Harry performed it, with no noticeable slips this time.

Given that he got a 9 and 3×10’s last time he performed it then this really should be a perfect score.

Craig: 10 “You seem to have improved [lazy left foot]…I loved it”
Len: 10 “You’ve come out all guns blazing…I loved that dance first time round…that was brilliant”
Alisha: 10 “Your quickstep is stunning…maximised the floorspace…very strong start”
Bruno: 10 “You came, you danced, and you conquered Blackpool…loved it”

Total Score: 40

Jason & Kristina Tango

Jason started the competition strongly but has struggled more with the second-half of the competition however his Tango was a very strong performance.

Starts well however has a bit of a bum sticking out issue after the ‘disco’ section and this results in gapping over the rest of the routine which is a shame.

It’s entertaining but just not as polished as Harry’s, just an 8 from me I think, though I imagine the judges will give 9’s.

Craig: 9 “Your bottom was sticking out a lot and the chasses were a little bit skippy”
Len: 10 “You have survived 14 weeks of blood, sweat and tears…you give those other two 20 years in age”
Alisha: 10 “Clever choreography…I loved it”
Bruno: 9 “Tango with split personality…incredible and barking mad but I loved it”

Total Score: 38

Chelsee & Pasha Jive

This was very energetic before and hopefully Chelsee can bring that same energy tonight, with just a little bit more polish.

It feels better than her previous performance, though still is a bit manic in places.  She looks puffed out near the end and falls out of sequence with Pasha when they are facing away from each other.

Not her best performance, which is a shame, but I can only give it an 8.

Craig: 9 “A complete and absolute bundle of joy to watch…thousand steps a minute”
Len: 10 “Watching that gives me as much pleasure as a world championship”
Alisha: 10 “For me personally that’s my favourite Jive of the series”
Bruno: 10 “That was a premium grade Jive…you were GREAT”

Total Score: 39

So it’s 1. Harry; 2. Chelsee; 3. Jason and the lines are open!

Now for the show dances

Harry & Aliona

Harry is excellent when it comes to lifts but there are a few moments when it loses a bit of polish for me with a few untidy hands and holds.

Their last lift looks a little wobbly and the drum section at the end didn’t really seem to work.

Not as good as their Quickstep so just a 9 from me.

Craig: 9 “You have an enormous amount of talent…transitions could have been a lot smoother”
Len: 9 “If you were a stick of Blackpool rock you’d have ‘Talent’ written right through you…thought that lift [near the end] was a little bit sticky getting into it”
Alisha: 10 “I loved the concept…lifts were verging on dangerous…smoothly done”
Bruno: 9 “Great guns Harry…impressive strength and physicality…tiny little incident on a lift”

Total Score: 37

Jason & Kristina

It’s good to see show dances that are based more on the actual dances they’ve been learning (I’m sure some of you will remember Brendan Cole and Lisa Snowdon’s ill-fated show dance).

I can’t tell whether they’re out of sequence or not in some of the sections…Jason doesn’t look out of time but we just can’t tell if they’re supposed to be exactly synchronised at those points.

I felt it was more polished in some ways than Harry’s dance but still only a 9 from me.

Craig: 10 “Ferocious and full-on darling…a-maz-ing”
Len: 10 “You’re a showman, this is a show dance, the perfect combination”
Alisha: 10 “If this was a marathon you’d have won already…that was a SHOW dance!”
Bruno: 10 “It was a showbiz extravaganza…brilliant”

Total Score: 40

Chelsee & Pasha

I’m hoping they haven’t gone too ‘showdance’ with this routine…though the music fills me a little bit with dread.

I’m not sure on quite a few of the lifts, and again it just feels a little messy at times but another 9.

Craig: 9 “I absolutely loved all those lifts…so close, impossible to call”
Len: 9 “I liked the element of hustle…bright and shiny…what saddens me is that in about an hour’s time one of our couples is going to go”
Alisha: 9 “Really going for it…totally natural”
Bruno: 9 “A vision of seductive beauty emerging from the mists…were a couple of moments darling when you nearly lost it”

Total Score: 36

So leader board is now 1. Jason; 2. Harry; 3. Chelsee


Our first elimination tonight is Jason & Kristina. They’re all so strong that it really will come down to the audience tonight – though Harry has overall been the best this series.

I’m personally cheering for Chelsee but purely because I did place a bet on her at the start of the series (20-1, but also won £80 on her being the final female, get in!) – however I won’t vote as I still want to try and remain impartial!

Right then, down to the final two, it’s anyone’s to win it.

Harry & Aliona American Smooth

Harry’s already shown he’s adept at the lifts, and Viennese Waltz is a good choice for them.  They seem to lose it a little in the standing spin after the first major lift.  The second lift exit doesn’t seem to have any transition, and the third lift looked a little uncomfortable on entry, but a lovely dance nonetheless.

Not perfect but a 9 from me.

Craig: 9 “If it wasn’t the final there’s a plethora of things I could say about your hands…but I loved it”
Len: 10 “When you did the Viennese Waltz before I loved it…you just made what was a great dance into an unbelievable dance”
Alisha: 10 “Such an accomplished dancer…I think the nation has fallen in love with you”
Bruno: 10 “Perfect fit for your princely charms…I salute you your highness”

Total Score: 39

Chelsee & Pasha Rumba

Out of the two, I think Chelsee has the more difficult ‘new’ dance, as Rumba is one of the harder dances for the celebrities to perform, and Chelsee’s acting hasn’t been great so far this series.

Nicely synchronised at the start and a great ronde.  Much better floor splits than the last time she did them.

The hand is a little forgotten at times but this is beautifully danced, and exceeding my expectations.

Again not perfect but damn close, 9.5.

Craig: 9 “I thought it was absolutely magnificent”
Len: 10 “Because it was so slow everything is magnified, every detail…nothing I could see I didn’t like”
Alisha: 10 “You put your heart and soul into every single dance you do”
Bruno: 10 “You nailed that Rumba…acted it like a movie star…I loved it”

Total Score: 39

Down to the final two dances then, their favourites from the series.

Harry & Aliona Argentine Tango

Let’s hope for a bit more passion from Harry this time around, it was all a little too ‘clean’ last time around.

He’s still a magnificent dancer and there’s a great lift above his head in the middle.

I didn’t feel as much intensity through the dance as I’d have liked but the performance was perfection.

Craig: 10 “Like the nation I have fallen in love with you too darling”
Len: 10 “Last time I said I wanted a bit more intensity…and you listened to me”
Alisha: 10 “Perfect choice for the final…exquisite dancing”
Bruno: 10 “So cool, so strong, so sharp…I think I’ve been Tango’d”

Total Score: 40

Chelsee & Pasha Quickstep

This was probably Chelsee’s best dance of the series, let#s ope she pulls it out of the bag.

I’d like Chelsee to keep her toes pointed when she kicks them out (the Rudolph looked a little messy) but the rest is excellent.  Can’t quite tell whether there was a problem with the jacket at the end.

I’m going to give this another perfect score.

Craig: 9 “I said it before and I’ll say it again…first class darling”
Len: 10 “It’s your favourite dance…could be my favourite dance as well”
Alisha: 10 “Perfect combination of a great dress, great song, great dance”
Bruno: 10 “Strictly stunning”

Total Score: 39 (would have preferred Craig to give a reason though – obviously the other judges don’t agree)

Leader Board

1. Harry & Aliona: 156
2. Chelsee & Pasha: 153.

Financially I’d like Chelsee to win, but I do think it’s going to be Harry.  What about you?

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Strictly Come Dancing week 5 – Halloween Special https://learndance.co.uk/2011/10/29/strictly-come-dancing-week-5-halloween-special/ Sat, 29 Oct 2011 23:08:00 +0000 http://blog.want-to-dance.co.uk/?p=6 Apologies for not blogging on last week’s action, but unfortunately we just couldn’t get the time. Tonight is the Strictly Halloween Special, and I can already predict that the scariest thing is going to be Nancy! First up is Russell Grant & Flavia Cacace with their Samba If Russell has got a knee problem then…

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Apologies for not blogging on last week’s action, but unfortunately we just couldn’t get the time.

Tonight is the Strictly Halloween Special, and I can already predict that the scariest thing is going to be Nancy!

First up is Russell Grant & Flavia Cacace with their Samba

If Russell has got a knee problem then Samba’s probably the worst dance he could have been given.

It’s so nice to see actual Samba steps that our students are going to recognise…such a shame that he obviously lost the steps early on and it’s knocked his confidence throughout.  A great shame, though Emma and I both commented on his nice bottom!

A nice selection of basic steps up till the mistake but just a 6 from me after all the mistakes.

Craig: 4 “One wig away darling from being Mystic Meg…dancing sadly let you down”
Len: 6 “There were a few mistakes…you’ve got the feel good factor”
Alesha: 6 “Great bounce action…got the Halloween party started”
Bruno: 6 “Turned Hell into a camp Heaven…unfortunately you went wrong quite a few times”

Total Score: 22

Looking a little worried this week, think they’re going to need the votes as it wasn’t their most entertaining performance.

Second up, Chelsee Healey & Pasha Kovalev with the Tango.

I still felt that their Quickstep last week was very untidy and still too manic, but it’s good to see her delivering on my pre-competition predictions.

Doesn’t really have the Tango feel to the music, but you wouldn’t know it from their dancing.

Chelsee has some nice sharp movements, but still looks a little bit like Pasha is throwing her around her at times.

A very good Tango but a shame that the ending was missed after her dress almost revealed too much, I feel so sorry for her but I hope they can show her a replay as soon as possible to let her know nothing was seen.

I’d still like to see a bit more control there so just an 8 from me at present.

Craig: 7 “I would have like to have seen it a little bit more grounded…feisty, fiery and everything we expect”
Len: 8 “Could have been a bit sharper towards the end…good dance”
Alesha: 9 “You have nothing to cry about, you covered that so well…you’ve raised your game”
Bruno: 8 “This wicked little witch, is a wicked little dancer…did a great dance”

Total Score: 32

Audley Harrison & Natalie Lowe Jive

I do worry about Audley’s ability for the Jive, can he keep it looking light and bouncy and not run out of puff early on?

Flat footed from the off unfortunately, and living up to what I would have expected.  There’s just no bounce though some of the lines look quite nice…unfortunately that’s when he’s standing still.

A very poor Jive but it was always going to be difficult for him, a 5 from me.

Craig: 3 “You did make a gallant effort…physically unsuited for this dance…lovely smile though”
Len: 6 “I don’t know what these other two are talking about, it had rhythm, good timing…you never went wrong…I commend you”
Alesha: 6 “It needed to be more bouncy and light…kicks and flicks just weren’t quite there”
Bruno: 5 “You really got into the spirit of things…[but] terrible footwork…very hard dance”

Total Score: 20

Alex Jones & James Jordan are next up with a Paso Doble (well suited dance for Halloween hopefully)

Alex needs to make sure she keeps her shoulders down when she lifts up her arms, otherwise her neck just disappears, and the ‘cape’ section with her skirt turns a little bit school playground when she speeds up.

I really like the dramaticism though and the ‘fight’ over the bed is quite well acted.  The chasse capes are quite messy and there are times when it looks good, but also times when it really doesn’t.

A mixed bag Paso Doble but definitely developed into a passionate one.  I’m unsure on it but I think I’ll give them a 7.

Craig: 7 “I think you played that extremely well…almost found it erotic…danced it well”
Len: 8 “I was expecting Hammer House of Horrors…had intensity, dramatic, attack…bit too much frock wafting”
Alesha: 8 “Absolutely loved the beginning…took a risk…atmospheric…breakthrough this week”
Bruno: 8 “Haunting, voluptuous, hint of madness…improved so much [on last week]”

Total Score:  31

Holly Valence & Artem Chigvintsev will be dancing an American Smooth to Swan Lake, explains the eye make-up!

Hmm…I just feel like there’s always something lacking when Holly dances.  I just get a feeling of discomfort when she dances, maybe it’s vulnerability of being herself and not a character.

The lift entrances and exits are all a bit messy, and the ending just looked uncomfortable as they were getting into it.

It was ok but she still doesn’t ‘wow’ me like I would expect, good enough for a 7 but she should be getting so much more.

Craig: 8 “Very high risk and perilous concept…but you made it work”
Len: 9 “I thought it was terrific…could have done with a bit more in hold…I love it”
Alesha: 9 “You both look incredible…created some beautiful lines and shapes…you were magnificent”
Bruno: 9 “You produced a performance of great style, great artistry…top lines were exquisite”

Total Score: 35

Obviously the judges disagree with me!

Let the nightmares begin, it’s time for Nancy Dell’Olio & Anton Du Beke to give us a Rumba.

I really thought Nancy would have been able to dance ‘sexier’ than that, and she turns her body too early in the drag so that Anton ends up holding her up by her chest!

A couple of nice movements but the opening outs are pretty awful.

Anton’s included the same lift as last week which is going to knock some points off with the judges, a fairly awful Rumba with very little natural hip action, a 4 from me.

Craig: 2 “Dance horriblus darling…Anton I’m getting a little bit bored of that lift now…also it’s illegal”
Len: 5 “Rumba, the dance of love…moments of Mills & Boon, and moments of Meals on Wheels”
Alesha: 3 “I think you’re a sexy woman…but you’re a walking disaster…legs are so far apart…very ploddy…lift so unflattering”
Bruno: 4 “Looking like the queen of the night, you dance like the walking dead…great big plonky number”

Total Score: 14

Love interests Harry Judd & Aliona Vilani vamp it up with a Tango

Looks like we’ve had our 5 seconds of actual Tango content from them…oh wait there’s actually some more later on, still not enough for my liking but Harry’s acting is impressive.

I’d would really like Aliona to sort out Harry’s frame though as when he has his arms up the rolled over shoulders just make him look hunched – luckily for him there was very little actual Tango to highlight this.

Harry’s a good dancer but I do think Aliona is avoiding putting too much actual dancing in which annoys me.  Fantastic drama and acting but Harry needs to get his posture sorted before he can really develop.  I wasn’t a fan of the running drag either.

I’d like to give him more but I really don’t think I can go above a 7.

Craig: 8 “Full of intent, purpose, aggression…would have liked to have seen a little more in hold however”
Len: 7 “I want to see more than 8 bars in hold…it was a terrific number, it was sharp…I want to see more than 8 bars in the Tango hold”
Alesha: 10 “I do agree with Len…but you played it so well”
Bruno: 9 “Intense, hypnotic, erotic…it was great”

Total Score: 34

I’m sorry Alesha but what on earth are you thinking?!

Next to scare us this evening will be Robbie Savage & Ola Jordan with the Paso Doble

Good cape work from Robbie but he’s a little bit high when they get into hold, I’d like to see him use the floor a bit better.

A bit stompy in places and lacking any real drive or attack, should be a lot more aggression in a Paso.

I think they’ll let them off the slight lift and a very brave ending, any slip or lack of elevation at the end and Robbie could have face planted straight into Craig.  Just a 6 for me, too much thrusting of the hips, and not enough Paso!

Craig: 4 “I could have done without all the hip thrusts…particularly the end one in my face…needed a lot more drive”
Len: 7 “It was a little bit disconcerting …would have liked a bit more Savage…got to work on getting that Latin to the same standard [as your Ballroom]”
Alesha: 8 “I say keep thrusting…cape work at the beginning was brilliant…little bit erratic at times”
Bruno: 7 “Bad gone mental…lacked a bit of artistry”

Total Score: 26

Next couple is Anita Dobson & Robin Windsor with a Tango

Posture is better this week but could still do with a bit more of a stretch.

It feels a little soft and Anita looks unsure of her steps at times.  The Tango just lacks a feeling of attack and drama for me.

Not a bad dance but still a lot of improvement required, 7.

Craig: 7 “Acting 10, top line 3…loved the routine though”
Len: 8 “I like it…lot of Tango content…lost your timing…posture is your weakest thing”
Alesha: 8 “Fantastic actress, loved the drama…need to perfect your hold”
Bruno: 8 “You portray every aspect of your character…got to work on your frame”

Total Score: 31

Time for Lulu & Brendan Cole to fly onto the dance floor and Paso

A brave slide down the banister from Brendan, though not sure on the accessories!

Much more attack in this routine, more likely due to a better choice of song than Robbie’s.

Faffing around at the end by Brendan so that they can get the harness back on…flying really is such a pointless gimmick.

Her best dance yet and a 7 from me.

Craig: 6 “Concept was absolutely great…felt like you were just trying to catch up with Brendan”
Len: 7 “Lots of tricks, and quite a few treats…you’re a little bit soft in the body…too willowy”
Alesha: 8 “An amazing entrance, I love your determination…did a good job this week”
Bruno: 8 “You didn’t go wrong tonight…you did it well, strong and powerful”

Total Score: 29

Last up tonight is Jason Donovan & Kristina Rihanoff with a Quickstep

This should be a much better performance from Jason as I think he’s better suited to the Ballroom.

Very brave of Kristina to have Jason dancing on his own to start, and Jason’s definitely back to his best.  His arms are a little bit low which is ruining his frame.

Lots of energy but a little bit unbalanced in the final spin.  Improve on the posture and he’ll be unstoppable but still a 9 for me.

Craig: 9 “Stone the flaming crows mate…I thought that was absolutely Fab-u-lous…however there were a couple of mistakes”
Len: 9 “So what if he made a little tiny mistake…some of them have had a Tango and they haven’t even done a Tango [nudge, nudge Aliona]”
Alesha: 10 “So cute…charming throughout…brilliant routine…well done Jason”
Bruno: 9 “Bewitchingly brilliant and slightly barmy…great concept, great choreography…back on track”

Total Score: 37

Biggest score of the series so far, and I think it deserved it.

Leader board for tonight is as follows (my scores in brackets):

1. 37 points – Jason & Kristina (9)
2. 35 points – Holly & Artem (7)
3. 34 points – Harry & Aliona (7)
4. 32 points – Chelsee & Pasha (8)
5. 31 points – Alex & James (7)
5. 31 points – Anita & Robin (7)
7. 29 points – Lulu & Brendan (7)
8. 26 points – Robbie & Ola (6)
9. 22 points – Russell & Flavia (6)
10. 20 points – Audley & Natalie (5)
11. 14 points – Nancy & Anton (4)

Thankfully I haven’t lost my touch and I’m still fairly accurate in my scoring.  I’d have liked to see Holly giving it a little bit more presentation but maybe I’m not seeing what the judges are, and Harry needs to sort out his shoulders and Aliona give him more actual choroegraphy.

I think it will be an Audley & Nancy bottom two with Audley going home as I still think Anton’s fans will save him.

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Harry Judd & Aliona Vilani – Foxtrot https://learndance.co.uk/2011/10/08/harry-judd-aliona-vilani-foxtrot/ Sat, 08 Oct 2011 19:18:00 +0000 http://blog.want-to-dance.co.uk/?p=10 Hands are a little splayed (as Craig would put it) which is a shame.  Needs to keep his head up and really stretch out in his frame but there’s a great connection between them both…Emma wonders if they’re both single… A good performance let down by his frame – really work on stretching away from…

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Hands are a little splayed (as Craig would put it) which is a shame.  Needs to keep his head up and really stretch out in his frame but there’s a great connection between them both…Emma wonders if they’re both single…

A good performance let down by his frame – really work on stretching away from her Harry and you could be an excellent dancer.

A 7 from me.

Craig: 6 “You can dance, but Aliona you’ve got to sort his posture out”
Len: 6 “There was nothing great about it, but there was nothing terrible…chin is always down, lift up, stretch up”
Alesha: 8 “I think you move brilliantly…one of the best dancers in this competition…use the criticism”
Bruno: 7 “Something very, very special about Harry…strong, focused…gonna be fantastic”

Total Score: 27

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Harry Judd & Aliona Vilani – Cha Cha Cha https://learndance.co.uk/2011/10/01/harry-judd-aliona-vilani-cha-cha-cha/ Sat, 01 Oct 2011 18:19:00 +0000 http://blog.want-to-dance.co.uk/?p=32 Harry’s the only celebrity competitor with prior Strictly experience, but Paso is completely different from Cha Cha so I don’t think it’s a massive advantage. I’m liking this Argentine Tango inspired start, Harry’s definitely looking good and it’s a massive improvement over any of Friday’s Cha Cha’s. A bit too much ‘arm on the waistcoat’…

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Harry’s the only celebrity competitor with prior Strictly experience, but Paso is completely different from Cha Cha so I don’t think it’s a massive advantage.

I’m liking this Argentine Tango inspired start, Harry’s definitely looking good and it’s a massive improvement over any of Friday’s Cha Cha’s.

A bit too much ‘arm on the waistcoat’ positioning, obviously he wasn’t confident having his arms out, or Aliona decided he really didn’t look good doing it.

Harry suffers from the same ailment as the girls from last night, spending a bit too much time looking at the floor.  Hips are a little rigid but leg placement and sharpness is good, I can see why the bookies have Harry down as the favourite.

A very good Cha Cha from Harry.  I’d like to see a bit more from his arms and hips so not quite an 8 for me but definitely a 7.

Craig: 6 “For me too placed, too clean, too straight…lacked any real forward and back hip action”
Len: 7 “Little bit mechanical but I’ll tell you what…good you are”
Alesha: 8 “I love how focused you were…working the sexy, seductive look…Latin really suits you”
Bruno: 7 “Very fit, tight, muscular & masculine performance…could be a little bit more sinuous”

Total Score: 28

A much more realistic 8 this time Alesha

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Strictly Come Dancing 2011 – Friday 30th September https://learndance.co.uk/2011/10/01/strictly-come-dancing-2011-friday-30th-september/ Sat, 01 Oct 2011 16:50:00 +0000 http://blog.want-to-dance.co.uk/?p=41 So Strictly 2011 started last night, Bruce’s jokes return, some questionable outfits on show (not quite sure what they’ve put Robbie Savage in for example) and hopefully a whole new audience will be looking to learn to dance…you know where to find us! From watching the launch show I made the following predictions of couples…

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So Strictly 2011 started last night, Bruce’s jokes return, some questionable outfits on show (not quite sure what they’ve put Robbie Savage in for example) and hopefully a whole new audience will be looking to learn to dance…you know where to find us!

From watching the launch show I made the following predictions of couples that could do well:

Harry & Aliona (though how much help his previous training will be is debatable)

Chelsee & Pasha (I predict they’ll do really well)

Lulu & Brendan (both feisty)

Rory & Erin (though not all the way I fear)

Holly & Artem (could definitely give Kara food for thought)

 The training videos so far seemed to have supported that but we’ll see how they all perform this weekend.

There are no couples going home this week, but the scores will be carried forward to next week too.

Enough of an intro, let’s get on with the dancing.  First up is Holly Valence & Artem Chigvintsev (on a side note it was originally supposed to be Alex Jones & James Jordan dancing tonight – no official word on why the switch was made and whether they’re dancing tonight or not!)

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Harry Judd & Aliona Vilani – Strictly Teaser Video https://learndance.co.uk/2011/09/30/harry-judd-aliona-vilani-strictly-teaser-video/ Fri, 30 Sep 2011 16:24:00 +0000 http://blog.want-to-dance.co.uk/?p=46 Harry Judd’s Strictly Teaser Video

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Harry Judd’s Strictly Teaser Video

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Strictly Training Video – Harry Judd & Aliona Vilani https://learndance.co.uk/2011/09/27/strictly-training-video-harry-judd-aliona-vilani/ Tue, 27 Sep 2011 10:01:00 +0000 http://blog.want-to-dance.co.uk/?p=48 Monday’s training diary features Harry Judd & Aliona Vilani and the Cha Cha Cha.  There has been some controversy recently with The Daily Star suggesting that this year’s Strictly was fixed for Harry to win.  Whilst I admit that a bit of previous training will definitely help, the Paso Doble is unlike any of the…

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Monday’s training diary features Harry Judd & Aliona Vilani and the Cha Cha Cha.  There has been some controversy recently with The Daily Star suggesting that this year’s Strictly was fixed for Harry to win.  Whilst I admit that a bit of previous training will definitely help, the Paso Doble is unlike any of the dances they will be covering in the early weeks.  Also, no offence Harry, but it wasn’t the greatest Paso Doble I’ve ever seen – but then what can be expected from the much shorter training schedule there would of been for Children in Need.

Every dance has it’s own variations and peculiarities that make it very difficult to have a ‘one size fits all’ mentality in the technique department. To be honest Harry is more likely to be kept in by McFly fans than by any secret BBC plot, and if he isn’t well that’s just the way Strictly works.

Anyway, on to analysing the dance!

There are definitely some elements that are already looking sharp (but given that it’s the week of the competition I would hope it was starting to come together by now).  He does need to work on the free arm though and try and make it a bit more natural in its movement.

Harry is looking good so far, but there’s still work to do there.

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Strictly Partnerships – First Reactions https://learndance.co.uk/2011/09/10/strictly-partnerships-first-reactions/ Sat, 10 Sep 2011 23:52:00 +0000 http://blog.want-to-dance.co.uk/?p=69 Why post one blog entry, when you can post two!  Following the launch show here’s some of the initial reactions:

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Why post one blog entry, when you can post two!  Following the launch show here’s some of the initial reactions:

The post Strictly Partnerships – First Reactions appeared first on Learn To Dance.

Strictly Come Dancing 2011 Launch Show https://learndance.co.uk/2011/09/10/strictly-come-dancing-2011-launch-show/ Sat, 10 Sep 2011 23:16:00 +0000 http://blog.want-to-dance.co.uk/?p=70 So it’s been a while (9 months surprisingly!) but we’re back with a new series of Strictly, and thus I start blogging again – there go my Saturday nights! The celebrity lineup this year is as follows: Alex Jones Anita Dobson Audley Harrison Chelsee Healey Dan Lobb Edwina Currie Harry Judd Holly Valence Jason Donovan…

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So it’s been a while (9 months surprisingly!) but we’re back with a new series of Strictly, and thus I start blogging again – there go my Saturday nights!
The celebrity lineup this year is as follows:
Alex Jones
Anita Dobson
Audley Harrison
Chelsee Healey
Dan Lobb
Edwina Currie
Harry Judd
Holly Valence
Jason Donovan
Nancy Dell’Olio
Robbie Savage
Rory Bremner
Russell Grant

Quite an interesting line up, no obvious ducks from the outset (a la Widdy…though Russell and Audley may struggle).

I’m looking forward to seeing what Lulu and Nancy can do, and Harry has prior experience (dancing with Ola) in Children in Need (see below) so should have a head start…will he be paired with Ola again though?

All in all it looks like a strong lineup though and we only have 3 weeks until the launch (Friday 30th September if you’re interested).

Before that though we have the subject of who they’re going to be paired with, on with the launch show!

Ah the obligatory opening, flashing lights, the first pro dance for 2011 and our first look at new boy Pasha Kovalev.  Surprisingly they don’t feature Pasha much in the opening, though he already looks a lot more promising than Jared did in his first performance.  Also Natalie will have to work on her balance, can’t afford to fall down the stairs and injure yourself in the very first show Natalie!

Looking forward to seeing “Tolly” Parton, is that a tribute act Tess?!

Now we get to see the celebs for the first time in their sequins…let’s see who can clap in time with the music – always an early indicator!

Russell most definitely is the odd one out in this line up, not the best shimmy I’ve ever seen, but everyone else does appear to be able to clap in time, bodes well.

Admittedly the BBC kindly sent me the pairings last night so I already know who’s partnered with who, but that was yesterday and I’ve forgotten it all overnight!

I’ve never watched Daybreak but Dan seems like a laugh, but personally I’m not sure on the hair Robbie.

First pairing then, Robbie Savage & Ola Jordan – so definitely not paired with Harry then.  As Emma puts it they have the same dress, tan and hair colour.

Second up is Dan Lobb & Katya Virshilas.

Harry Judd then gets paired with Aliona Vilani…the only ones still holding hands by Tess’ interview.

So it’s time to meet Pasha Kovalev, and a routine with all the girls, he looks a little peaky and almost doesn’t make his leap into the girls arms but definitely bags more charisma than Jared brought to the show last year – could be a good addition to the pro lineup.

Anita Dobson gets Robin Windsor and Emma’s particularly interested in being able to read Brian May’s lips, anyone got any ideas?

Chelsee Healey is “single and ready to mingle”, let’s hope Pasha Kovalev is too if that’s what’s on her mind!

Lulu is carried away with Brendan Cole, literally!

Now it’s time to see all the celebs dancing together for the first time…car crash or car wash?!

Before we do though it’s time for Dolly “Tolly” Parton…I’m afraid it doesn’t beat us being there live for Take That last year, front row and only about 4m away from them, let’s hope we get tickets again this year (hint, hint BBC).

Let’s find out who Jason “arms could be an issue” Donovan manages to catch…Kristina Rihanoff is the answer.

Rory Bremner hopes to make an impression (sorry, like Brucie I couldn’t help myself) with Erin Boag.

I don’t think it’s difficult to work out who’s going to be partnered with who here, unless they’ve decided not to pair them based on height.

Audley Harrison unsurprisingly gets Natalie Lowe, Russell Grant gets left with Flavia Cacace, or is that the other way around?!

Alex Jones, who Matt Baker thought would go well with James Jordan, ends up with James Jordan.

Edwina rushes the gun, thinking she’s got Artem Chigvintsev, instead he’s paired with Holly Valence and Brucie quips “If you feel two holes burning in the back of your head, it’s Kara Tointon’s eyes.  So be careful! Be very, very careful.”  Holly replies: “we’re professionals!” Close to the knuckle there Bruce.
Again based on height it’s unsurprising that Nancy Dell’Olio is with Anton Du Beke, whilst Edwina Currie is with Vincent Simone.
Asked who their outside tips are
Bruno says:
“Ah, it’s got to be Russell Grant! I’m telling you, he’s got the potential of taking off like the spinning tardis and taking us all into a new dimension of dance, or dementia, it’s up to you.  But it’s going to be entertaining regardless.”
Craig [on his hit list] says:
“Russell and Flavia, and actually, Lulu and Brendan – I don’t know, probably not on the dance floor, but I think backstage we might see some tiaras and tantrums.”
The group dance is up now, who stands out and who should sit down?
Chelsee looking sassy, Audley looking clumsy, Lulu has attitude but Russell doesn’t actually look too bad.
Robbie and Anita a bit disappointing also Nancy and Edwina already looked puffed out.
Not sure what happens between Nancy and Jason, but that was a bit aggressive Jason.
Dan looks uncomfortable but Holly should do well but I don’t really see much from Rory or Alex (though Rory does have quite a nice wiggle it seems).
All in all there’s a few weak ones (as is always the case) but my tips for those to do well are:
Harry & Aliona (though how much help his previous training will be is debatable)
Chelsee & Pasha (I predict they’ll do really well)
Lulu & Brendan (both feisty)
Rory & Erin (though not all the way I fear)
Holly & Artem (could definitely give Kara food for thought)
The rest could include some dark horses such as Alex Jones or Robbie Savage but we’ll just have to wait the three weeks and see.
As usual I’m looking forward to the show starting (not least of all for the increased interest in dancing in general) but do you agree with my tips or is there someone you think I’ve neglected?
Harry Judd dancing on Children in Need

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