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Great weekend of teaching in Bournemouth, thanks to Hotel Piccadilly for asking us to host.  Unfortunately our plan to watch the show via iplayer on Saturday night didn’t work as the show was still ‘coming soon’ at 12.30am Sunday morning, so everyone went to bed instead.

Sat down on Sunday night to watch when we got home so stay tuned for the analysis:

Nicky Byrne & Karen Hauer – Cha Cha Cha

I am not sure about the timing of that start, did he completely jump the gun or just get it all wrong with the clicking…I thought that was Westlife’s speciality?

Hands look far too feminine as he walks toward the camera and it looks like he’s counting as he marks time on the spot. Not liking the choreography so far if I’m honest. Nicky looks like he’s flinging parts of his body round with no thought of control and the jacket is emphasising his raised shoulders.

On the plus side he’s certainly putting all his energy into the routine and the persona of the dance.

Unfortunately it does just feel like the energy lacks the control to make the moves look good.

Nicky goes out of time slightly in the middle section but it’s such a difficult routine to stay in time, due to all the extended pausing.

I really disliked this dance I’m afraid and the whole thing felt very messy and more hip-hop than Cha Cha. I’m going to give him a 5 for effort but Karen’s really got to up her game I feel.

Craig: 4 “Bit like a Zumba exercise class…very flat footed…some rotation in the hip department…energy was great”
Darcy: 5 “There was confidence, there was attitude, which was great…sadly wasn’t enough Cha Cha”
Len: 4 “I’m a traditionalist…it was too much boyband dancing and not enough Cha Cha Cha…very little that I could rave about”
Bruno: 5 “I thought tonight you were much more switched on…it was a little bit Take That 1995…you lost timing completely at the end…performance wise I thought it went in the right direction”

Total = 18, about right I think

Colin Salmon & Kristina Rihanoff – Viennese Waltz

I do like this track as a Viennese Waltz. Colin’s posture is looking very nice, though he has to try to make sure he doesn’t flick his hands up at the end of movements – need to keep it below wrist height really Colin.

Unfortunately as soon as they get into hold the perils of the height difference become apparent as Colin’s bum goes straight into ‘sit down’ position. To combat this I think Kristina’s brought in more sections out of hold, but for me a dance that could have been excellent has been marred by the foolish decision to pair them together.

A brilliant potential dancer let down by an ill-matched partnership, I’m afraid he ‘bottoms out’ for me at 6, when I really wanted to give him more 🙁

Craig: 6 “You did hit some very nice lines throughout…double hand flicking…very odd…too much rise and fall…dancing more to your height, good to see”
Darcy: 6 “You do have the perfect frame, so elegant…have got to watch you don’t stoop…lift the chin, not just the eyes”
Len: 6 “Step out more and it was a tad timid…elegance, sophistication…no stoop for me…move more”
Bruno: 6 “Nice and extended long lines…in hold it needed more drive…don’t lean forward…a bit careful for me”

Total = 24

Dani Harmer & Vincent Simone – Salsa

It’s a weird, but catchy song, and an unusual start.

A fast and intricate start but Dani must remember not to forget her free arm at times. Not personally happy with the choice of lifts as they don’t make Dani look particularly elegant but the difficulty of the routine, and the competence she displays in performing it, is great to see.

It’s a fun routine which we really enjoyed watching, I’m not sure on the lifts or the ending, but I’m going to give her a well deserved 7.

Craig: 7 “This dance does suit the smaller-type person…lovely clean finishes…wasn’t fond of the dismount in the second lift”
Darcey: 6 “It’s so great to see you having fun on that dance floor…follow it through [to the hips]”
Len: 7 “You little munchkin…you come out and give it some welly…full on and flat out…I liked it”
Bruno: 7 “You blossomed tonight…your confidence was visible…got to get these saucy hips…don’t be shy”

Total = 27

Fern Britton & Artem Chigvintsev – Viennese Waltz

Bit too much faffing around at the start for my liking, and Fern almost loses her balance during the first dip. In fact it’s 55 seconds (of a 1 1/2 minute routine) before they even get into hold and start dancing!

It’s a very sweet routine and Artem looks like he adores her.

I can’t help feeling that her actual Viennese is lacking, probably explaining why Artem only did 30 seconds of it, and her head is held a little too high which shortens her neck.

I would have liked to have seen more work gone into her dancing in hold, and less on time filling, and I’m pretty sure she wasn’t coming forward with a heel lead. On that basis I can only really give her a 6, though I thought the emotion displayed by them both perfectly encapsulated the feel of the song.

Craig: 6 “Keep your left shoulder down…but I thought the flow around the floor was fantastic”
Darcy: 6 “You give us such a beautiful feeling when you dance…make sure you keep it smooth…follow through [with your arms]…believe in yourself and the confidence will follow”
Len: 6 “A bit of wafting going on early on…it was better than last week…on the way up”
Bruno: 6 “Sometimes you look like you’re casually dusting [with your hands]…you come alive when you’re in the arms of your strappy young man”

Total = 24

Richard Arnold & Erin Boag – Cha Cha Cha

Well that’s an interesting quiff…think there’s definitely going to be a bit more ‘personality’ in this routine!

I’m afraid Richard that Erin’s right…it is more of a mince then a Cha Cha but it’s definitely livelier. Shame he goes out of time at the start of the New Yorks.

Again I would have preferred more Cha Cha in the routine and a slightly less camp approach. Technique was fairly awful with the pelvis the furthest thing forward a lot of the time. Just a 5 for me, like Nicky just not enough good Cha Cha

Craig: 3 “I wasn’t entirely convinced that you wanted to take Erin to a Love Shack…those Cha Cha Cha walks darling do really belong in a drag show”
Darcey: 6 “This is the Richard I wanted to see…create some tension in the arms…she needs you to lead her”
Len: 5 “Loud and proud, and that’s just your shirt…your arm was either on your hip or hanging down like a bit of cotton from a knicker leg…you’re a better dancer than having to just camp it all up…little bit over the top”
Bruno: 5 “Tonight you’ve got a split personality…it was the weirdest Cha Cha…in a sick way I enjoyed it”

Total = 19

Victoria Pendleton & Brendan Cole – Foxtrot

Oh dear, a mistake right at the beginning, can she recover better than she did last week?

Once she gets in hold it starts to improve, though you have to question why Brendan didn’t play it safer this week to help build her confidence up.

Her head angle is all wrong, but then Brendan was forcing it into a strange position during training, she needs to extend more.

The main problem with this routine is caused by the fact that she appears to be practising in lace-up practice shoes, then having to perform in court shoes. Brendan is giving her spins that she’s finding impossible to balance during in her performance shoes. They need to either be training in those shoes or seriously simplify the routine and keep her more in hold.

Brendan has to start choreographing more sympathetically as two weeks of live mistakes is going to seriously dent her confidence. A better performance than last week, with some promising signs, but still a massive gap she has to make up to catch up with some of the other contestants.

Too many mistakes and bad lines, only a 5 – still an improvement on last week, she finished the routine!

Craig: 6 “You remembered it so that’s a very good start…well done”
Darcy: 6 “The nerves have gone…wonderful to see…watch your fingers”
Len: 7 “Clean, classy, confident, a fantastic improvement on last week…transitions in and out of hold a little bit unstable…what an improvement”
Bruno: 7 “Back in the race…got to work on your turns…you don’t spot…improvement is great”

Total = 26, can’t help feeling the judges comments are to protect rather than criticise as I imagine her confidence is in a pretty fragile start at the moment. Over-marked for me I’m afraid.

Michael Vaughan & Natalie Lowe – Jive

Why oh why do we need to have props? Completely pointless for the start of the routine.

Looks promising to start off with then you realise Michael’s completely out of time with the music, and just keeps getting faster as Natalie moves round him…his hanging basket’ll have no flowers left at this rate.

It seems Natalie decided against giving Michael any Jive basic and instead decided to just have him shake manically in between flinging her around.

On the plus side he doesn’t drop her and certainly keeps the energy up. There are a few hints of actual Jive in there but it really is a complete frenzy of madness. ‘A’ for effort, but my head says 3.

Craig: 2 “That has to be one of the oddest Jives I think I’ve ever witnessed…your hips seemed to have a mind of their own…you looked like you were busting for a wee”
Darcy: 5
Len: 4 “It had a bit of gusto and enthusiasm…there was a lot going on, unfortunately it was mostly bad!”
Bruno: 4 “Oh my God you were like a wild goose, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such bad footwork…unbelievable, the timing was so bad, it was good…you couldn’t do it worse”

Total = 15

Louis Smith & Flavia Cacace – Viennese Waltz

Louis has a nice frame though the head position just needs to be slightly adjusted, he seems to cock his head on a regular basis. Also needs to put some shaping in those fingers.

It feels a bit skippy and not as smooth as you really need to see in a Viennese, and the bum sticks out on occasion. A few hints of a smile at times but would like to see more from him.

Showing some of the potential I think Louis is capable of, there’s still room for improvement but I think he’ll score well…especially from Darcey! 7 for me.

Craig: 7
Darcey: 7 “I like it, you’re calm, you’re confident…I do need an emotional connection between you and Flavia”
Len: 8 “I saw more turns than the government…I saw great posture…I saw the best dance I’ve seen tonight, or last week”
Bruno: 8 “Well I felt it…you make such a lovely pair…the ending was delicious…best dance so far”

Total = 30

Denise Van Outen & James Jordan – Jive

Denise managed to get whiplash from their Jive during training so it’ll be interesting to see how she copes with performing.

Well this is one fast Jive and instantly brings back memories of Jill Halfpenny, one of the best Strictly performances ever!

I think she could just point her toes more when she kicks, and have a slightly smaller back step. Starts to visibly tire near the end but the best performance of the night so far for me, an 8!

Craig: 8 “Now for the truth darling…FAB-U-LOUS”
Darcy: 8 “Wowee…you got the style of the Jive instantly…amazing”
Len: 8 “Tutti Frutti, what a bootie…that was my cup of tea…full-on, it had attack…disappointed last week, this week I’m delighted”
Bruno: 8 “That’s my girl…God she was going for it…stylistically it was brilliant…that’s the way we like to see a Jive”

Total = 32

Johnny & Iveta – Foxtrot

Johnny feels a bit too static at times but Ballroom is definitely more suited to him.

Would like to see more rise and fall, and the bum tucked in, but he does a good job.

I think Johnny is unfortunately probably near his talent threshold based on these first two dances, but you never know he could surprise me.

A nice performance, but unfortunately just that, nice. Only a 5 from me.

Craig: 5 “Splayed hands on the back…gapping, largely due to your posture…decent effort”
Darcey: 5 “Wonderfully better than last week, just work on the top line”
Len: 5 “What you do, you do with enthusiasm…ok your posture could be a little bit better, your footwork could be cleaner…I thought you did very well”
Bruno: 5 “You set up the scene very well…out of hold you hit some very nice lines…in hold you stiffened up and you didn’t flow”

Total = 20

Sid Owen & Ola Jordan – Salsa

Sid really shouldn’t stick his beer gut out when he walks…or at least that’s what it looks like as he’s walking onto the floor – chest first Sid – and keep those palms down.

Some nice shaking and a good initial lift.

Richard was aiming for camp, Sid unfortunately appears to be hitting it quite accurately at times.

Could keep the footwork more compact and a completely unnecessary handstand, but he’s smiling throughout and some generally good sequences and strong in the lifts. A 6 for me though.

Craig: 6 “Bitty, fragmented…on the bright side loved the routine…hip rotation…lot of good in there”
Darcey: 6 “Nerves are gone, you’re relaxed…generally partnered Ola brilliantly”
Len: 5 “Salsa…Kingston, Jamaica – this was more like Kingston-upon-Thames…you’re as good as you are just get out there and give it some more”
Bruno: 5 “The good thing is the Sid Vicious attitude…but because of the attitude you disguised an incredible amount of mistakes”

Total = 22

Kimberley Walsh & Pasha Kovalev – Foxtrot

She’s acting the opening well, just don’t drop the head when leaning to camera.

Frame’s a little off at times and there’s quite a bit of gapping. Can’t work out whether there’s supposed to be all those Ronde’s (in which case they’re really bad) or whether she just keeps lifting her foot off the floor as she turns around…also bad.

It’s such a fast routine as well, with a few slip ups creeping in as the complexity increases. Almost doesn’t manage to complete her underarm turn at the end. Another celeb let down by an overly complicated routine, showed real promise at the start but messy by the end…6.

Craig: 7 “I thought it was absolutely gorgeous…only thing that did bother me was your jaw, overly protruding forward”
Darcey: 6 “Beautiful mood you created…top line gets a bit soft…watch the gapping between the two of you…very nice Foxtrot”
Len: 6 “I thought it was limp…wasn’t enough conviction…you were hanging on…for you it’s got to be more than enough”
Bruno: 7 “I loved the setup, I loved the style, I loved the performance…I thought the whole thing looked very, very pretty”

Total = 26

Jerry & Anton – Foxtrot

Jerry looks like she’s being flung around at the start and things don’t really improve once they’re in hold. She needs to extend away from Anton in hold (think of them forming a ‘Y’ shape with the top half of their bodies).

Doesn’t appear to know what to do with her hands out of hold and another pairing where a height difference is causing an issue.

A mistake in the corner before a knicker shot to finish. Definitely more dancing than last week, would like to see her now work on her posture to improve, a 5 from me.

Craig: 3 “Looked like Anton was dancing with Mr Burns from the Simpsons”
Darcey: 5 “You have worked harder…start with this beautiful posture but you do lose it”
Len: 5 “You want to give the others a chance, you’ve accomplished that for sure!…I liked the mix of steps, your problem is you’re too vertical…got to stretch out”
Bruno: 5 “Stuck on you like Velcro…I’m waiting for more”

Total = 18

Lisa & Robin – Cha Cha Cha

Not sure on the ‘Mars Attacks’ arms as she walks on but once they start dancing with each other the arms dramatically improve with a wonderful finish to each move.

I was concerned in training that her basic Viennese wasn’t going to go well, but she actually does a very good job.

There’s some wonderful choreography really fitting the music well, shame there’s a slight hand mishap at one point.

Another excellent performance, don’t think it quite pips Denise for me but much better than expected, 7.5!

Craig: 7 “Thought you danced it with great dexterity, it was light which I didn’t expect”
Darcey: 6 “I love the focus in your eyes from the very beginning…you do try a bit hard in the transitions and you grab your man, let him grab you”
Len: 6 “Out of hold I thought you were fabulous…in hold you’ve got to work on – come and see me after the show, I’ll explain it”
Bruno: 6 “We’re always getting full-on entertainment…sometimes you were so into it, it looked like you were leading him…needs to be much more refined”

Total = 25

So that puts the final leader board after week 2 as (my combined score in brackets):

1. 27 + 30 = 57 – Louis & Flavia [6 + 7 =13]
1. 25 + 32 = 57 – Denise & James [7 + 8 = 15]
3. 30 + 25 = 55 – Lisa & Robin [7 + 7.5 = 14]
4. 28 + 26 = 54 – Kimberley & Pasha [7 + 6 = 13]
5. 21 + 27 = 48 – Dani & Vincent [6 + 7 = 13]
5. 26 + 22 = 48 – Sid & Ola [7 + 6  = 13]
7. 23 + 24 = 47 – Colin & Kristina [5 + 6 = 11]
8. 19 + 24 = 43 – Fern & Artem [5 + 6 = 11]
9. 16 + 26 = 42 – Victoria & Brendan [3 + 5 = 8]
10. 22 + 19 = 41 – Richard & Erin [5 + 5 = 10]
11. 17 + 20 = 37 – Johnny & Iveta [5 + 5 =10]
12. 18 + 18 = 36 – Jerry & Anton [5 + 5 = 10]
13. 17 + 18 = 35 – Nicky & Karen [6 + 5 = 11]
13. 20 + 15 = 35 – Michael & Natalie [6 + 3 = 9]

Aside from Darcey getting a bit too excited about Louis’ performance last week, and Victoria getting some sympathetic marking, the final positions look fairly close to my own marks.

I think we could see Jerry & Michael in the bottom two this evening.  Michael unfortunately lacks some of the charisma of past cricketers so may not have as avid a fan-base, and I’m not sure how Jerry will go down with the voting public – even with all of Anton’s usual fans. Nicky, however, should be saved by Westlife fans.

If you’re ready for the results…read on!

The first couples safe were as follows:

Nicky & Karen
Denise & James
Lisa & Robin
Louis & Flavia
Fern & Artem
Kimberley & Pasha

First couple in the dance off is Johnny & Iveta

Talk with the Judges

Len’s Lens

  • Len singing along to Denise’s ‘Tutti Frutti’ song
  • Kisses from James, Denise and then almost Brucie for Craig
  • Darcey licking a tissue and wiping lipstick off of Craig’s cheek
  • Richard’s facial expressions
  • Bruno ‘in pain’ during Michael’s Jive
  • Artem telling Fern to change…ventriloquist-style

Other couples safe are:

Colin & Kristina
Victoria & Brendan
Dani & Vincent
Sid & Ola
Jerry & Anton

That leaves Michael & Natalie, or Richard & Erin as the final couple in the bottom two. Joining Johhny & Iveta in the dance off is Richard & Erin.

Well that’s a surprise!

Out of these two I’m afraid I think Johnny will be going home but there’s still the dance off with the potential to save them.

Richard & Erin – Cha Cha Cha

There is actually slightly less mince in his forward locks this time, and his timing is spot on into the New Yorks.

Unfortunately it goes wrong on the stage but they manage to recover.

Johnny & Iveta – Foxtrot

I wouldn’t have thought of this song as a Foxtrot, the original is more of a Cha Cha rhythm for me.

Johnny goes out of time early on and if goes a bit to pot once they’re in hold. Unfortunately it’s a worse performance than their first one and I think that signifies the end for Johnny…and I think he knows it.

Judges Votes

Craig: Richard
Darcey: Richard
Len: Richard
Bruno: Richard

Richard: 4
Johnny: 0

Going Home: Johhny Ball; Aliona won’t compete again until the Christmas Special!

Johnny: “I hadn’t done a run as bad as that one as I did there…I think for my age I did quite well…this girl is absolutely wonderful”

First couple out, do you agree or would you have sent someone else home?

The post Strictly Come Dancing 2012 – Week 2 appeared first on Learn To Dance.

Victoria Pendleton & Brendan Cole – Cha Cha Cha https://learndance.co.uk/2012/10/05/victoria-pendleton-brendan-cole-cha-cha-cha/ Fri, 05 Oct 2012 21:04:35 +0000 http://blog.want-to-dance.co.uk/?p=530 Not sure about the outfits, and Victoria looks very unsteady on those heels! It’s a fast start but feels a bit messy and I’m not really seeing much hip action, I’m assuming the outfit is to cover up the cyclist size quads that pop out on occasion. Just like Fern Victoria unfortunately messes up the…

The post Victoria Pendleton & Brendan Cole – Cha Cha Cha appeared first on Learn To Dance.

Not sure about the outfits, and Victoria looks very unsteady on those heels!

It’s a fast start but feels a bit messy and I’m not really seeing much hip action, I’m assuming the outfit is to cover up the cyclist size quads that pop out on occasion.

Just like Fern Victoria unfortunately messes up the Cuban Breaks but doesn’t manage to quite cover it as well as Fern did.  Also needs to straighten the standing leg.

Oh dear it’s all going a bit wrong for her, and you can see that in her face.  She’s out of time and all over the place now.Unfortunately it all started to go wrong from those Cuban Breaks and I think I can only really give her a 3…

Craig: 3
Darcy: 4 “So much dance content in there…I felt for you…try a lower heel…so much potential there”
Len: 5 “Bit like the first time you rode a bike without stabilisers I imagine…but you have great potential”
Bruno: 4 “Bless you messed it up so much…you’re a champion, you’ve fallen off the bike before, get back on it…really exciting package, come back and blow us off the screen”

Total = 16, puts them bottom of the table unsurprisingly

The post Victoria Pendleton & Brendan Cole – Cha Cha Cha appeared first on Learn To Dance.
